National Fuel Pass : Minister gives update on 2 new features

September 9, 2022 at 4:18 PM

Two new features have been added to the National Fuel Pass QR system, Minister of Energy Kanchana Wijesekera announced today.

The Minister said the first feature is that the QR for non-vehicle requirements has been made available.

Under the new feature, it has been made available to disburse fuel for non-motor categories such as generators, grass-cutters, and other equipment, he said.

Minister Kanchana Wijesekera added that the registration method will be revealed soon by the Ministry of Power and Energy.

He further said secondly, the filling station Code Number will be added to the Fuel Pass SMS.

He said the filling station Code Number will be included in the SMS which is generated when the fuel transaction is completed. (NewsWire)