Heavy rains flood the wooden toilets in the Ger areas- Mongolia

July 6, 2021 at 10:22 AM

Heavy rains in Ulaanbaatar caused water to overflow from wooden toilets in Ger areas, while the polluted water flooded streets and squares, leading to the spread of unpleasant odors, in addition to the spread of infectious diseases in children. 97.3% of families in these areas use unsanitary wooden toilets, which negatively affects public health, especially air pollution. Residents of the Ger area in the ninth committee of the Chingeltei and Sukhbaatar districts called for the establishment of eco-toilets.

B.Nasanbat – citizen said

“I am a citizen of the ninth committee of the Chingeltei district. Ger area’s toilets are a problem. When it rains, the toilets overflow and the dirt comes out, and kids can’t go to the toilet. Bacteria and diseases can be caused by stepping on the toilet or entering the area. It is hard to use wooden toilets when It rains this much, also, the toilet dirt is mixed with the swamps. If we have an eco-toilet, that could be the solution”

J.Byambasuren – citizen said

“I am a citizen of the ninth committee of Sukhbaatar district. I live in a ger area. When it comes to soil pollution, wooden toilets in ger areas are difficult. When it is raining and there is a lot of humidity, the sanitary conditions are not good and it is in a difficult situation. Due to soil pollution, various diseases can occur in the home and children can get sick. Toilet issues related to soil pollution in ger areas are difficult. Not only me, but all households in the ger area have wooden toilets. When the weather gets warm, the soil becomes polluted and the smell of toilets is constantly in the ger. As a result, children get various colds and flu. I want to do something to be included in the ger area eco-toilet. If we try to have an eco-toilet, we will be able to get rid of soil pollution. I care about my children and their health, but I want the country to pay attention to this and take action.”

D.Ankhtuya – citizen said

“I am a citizen of the 11th committee of Sukhbaatar district. When it comes to warm weather, wooden toilets cause soil pollution. When it’s hot outside it smells a lot. It becomes a nest of a worm and insects. It is difficult for kids to use wooden toilets during the pandemic. Also if it rains a lot, it fills with water. Soil pollution is caused by flooding. There are a lot of swamps in ger area, so it floods easily. In addition, when it rains, it causes a lot of soil pollution. In winder, children easily get cold and flu. It would be good to install eco-toilets.”

Source A24