Sri Lanka sees spike in Oral Cancer patients

July 29, 2020 at 3:07 PM

The Cancer Control Programme has revealed that six (06) new patients are diagnosed per day with oral cancer in Sri Lanka.

Two to three deaths are reported per day due to oral cancer in Sri Lanka with a higher mortality ratio among men.

Director of the Programme Dr. Janaki Vidanapathirana said oral cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in Sri Lankans, adding that it is most common among men and is among the 10 most common cancers diagnosed among women.

She said 70% of the oral cancers are diagnosed in the late stage, such as the third or fourth stage, preventing a positive outcome for the patients.

The use of betel quid, tobacco and areca nut related products, smoking and alcohol have been identified as the main factors causing oral cancer in Sri Lanka.

Dr. Janaki Vidanapathirana made the observations when addressing a health seminar held at the Health Promotion Bureau (HPB) in Colombo yesterday. (Newswire)