SL exchange rate comparison today & 2 weeks ago

July 27, 2021 at 1:13 PM

The daily currency exchange rates released by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for today show little to no change in the Sri Lanka Rupee. 

As per the exchange rates for the day, the Rupee remains unchanged against the US Dollar in comparison to two weeks ago. 

The buying rate of the US Dollar was Rs. 197.80 and the selling rate was Rs. 202.89 today. 

The buying rate of the US Dollar was Rs. 198.21 and the selling rate was Rs. 202.89 two weeks ago.

However, the Rupee has increased against the Sterling Pound today, with the selling rate at Rs. 280.72 from Rs. 279 and the buying rate at Rs. 271. 58.

Meanwhile, the selling rate of the Euro has dropped by two Rupees, to stand at Rs. 239.77 in comparison to its rate of Rs. 241, two weeks ago. (NewsWire)