Mongolia – Experts Chinese hackers are behind global cyber attacks

September 2, 2021 at 5:09 PM

Cyber security specialists pointed out that the Taiwanese government is eager to enhance cyber security to repel cyber-attacks by Chinese hackers, as it faces between 20 to 40 million attacks targeting government agencies to steal important data, adding that the Taiwanese government is not alone in front of Chinese hackers, but it has also extended to threaten information security worldwide as the Mongolian police recently found more than 750 Chinese hackers working within a secret group that carried out attacks around the world. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United States accused a group linked to China of carrying out a major cyber attack earlier this year.

In an interview with A24, D. Altanshagai – Cyber Security Specialist said that, “Mongolia is currently ranked 120th out of more than 160 countries in the Global security index and 22nd out of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the reports of major cybersecurity research companies, Mongolia is consistently ranked among the top 10 countries that are most vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is not a good thing. For example, last year, more than 750 Chinese citizens in a hacking group were found in Mongolia to have carried out cyber-attacks on other parts of the world. Mongolia is doing some important activities to identify, prevent and prevent cyber-attacks.”

In an interview with A24, G.Delgertsetseg – Researcher said, “World War III was thought to be about cyberattacks and information security on the online zone. Recently, the United States and the European Union have accused China of operating contract hackers. Chien Hung-Wei, head of Taiwan’s Department of Cyber Security, said that there are about 20-40 million cyber attacks in Taiwan every month and that the Taiwanese government is using dramatics to guard against technological vulnerabilities. In 2020, CPC Corporation, a government-owned refiner in Taiwan — was hacked and they accused a hacker group linked to China of carrying out the attack.”

Source: A24 News Agency