Concerns raised over Sri Lanka’s plan to export monkeys to China

April 13, 2023 at 3:42 PM

Concerns have been raised against the government’s decision to consider exporting 100,000 Toque monkeys to China.

Environmental lawyer Dr. Jagath Gunawardana has raised concerns over the government’s decision to appoint a committee to study the possibility of exporting Toque monkeys.

Stating that this species of monkey is endemic to Sri Lanka with two sub-species identified in the dry and wet zones, he said Sri Lanka’s legal provisions prohibit the export of animals.

Dr. Jagath Gunawardena pointed out that the existing legal provisions only allow animal export for conservation purposes or as part of an exchange program with a zoological garden.

The export of animals for meat or scientific study is completely illegal under these provisions, he added

Even though the government is considering this move due to crop damage by the Toque monkeys, Dr. Gunawardena said, however, they must base their decisions on scientific studies and facts.

The government must take into account factors such as the selection process for the number of monkeys to be exported, and the suitability of conditions for the monkeys in China.

The Environmental lawyer also raised concerns over the requirement of nearly 100,000 monkeys for zoos in China.

Concerns have been raised after the Ministry of Agriculture this week announced that there was a high demand for Sri Lankan Toque monkeys from China.

The Ministry said the exporting of Toque monkeys to China may help resolve the issue of the exceeding monkey population in Sri Lanka.

The Ministry stated that a Chinese delegation has requested the Ministry to provide Sri Lankan monkeys to Zoos in China.

A special discussion was held this week on exporting 100,000 monkeys to China under the first phase of the programme. (NewsWire)