Differently able son living alone dies by suicide after mother taken away for Covid treatment

November 1, 2020 at 1:46 AM

A tragic death was reported from Homagama yesterday after a 25 year old differently able person died by Suicide after his mother was taken for Hospital after showing Covid symptoms.

25 years old was living with his mother and had to stay alone at his house Friday night because mother was taken for treatment by area health authorities.

The neighbours blamed the authorities for not understanding the situation and for separating him from his mother.

“When the mother was taken we told the authorities to take her special need son as well, because he will be alone. But they didn’t do that. They just took the mother without caring about how her son will survive” Area resident told reporters.

“They told us not to even go near the house because of Covid. Today the mother called us and wanted to check about him. When we opened the door we saw he had died by suicide” Area resident added.

Speaking to reporters area PHI said that they had informed a family member living in Galle to take care of this person when the mother was taken away for treatment.