Check Weather Prediction for India Vs Pakistan reserve day in Colombo

September 10, 2023 at 10:33 PM

The Asia Cup clash between India and Pakistan had to be rescheduled to a reserve day (Monday) due to rain disrupting the game on Sunday, with India having batted only 24.1 overs.

While the reserve day offers hope, the downside is that the persistent threat of rain could once more interfere with the match on Monday, marking the third occasion in just 10 days.

According to Accuweather, there is a 92% percent probability of precipitation and prediction of up to six hours of precipitation on the reserve day in Colombo. (NewsWire)

BBC Weather has also predicted for Thundery showers from Monday afternoon.

Sri Lanka’s Department of Meteorology has also predicted Colombo will experience showers at times on Monday.