In their inventive progression in developing sports in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka’s first Sports website together with the Nation Forum of Women with Disabilities (NFWD) intend organizing an age group Bocce Championship on Sunday 19th January at the Bandaragama Sports Complex with the participation of disabled children.
Bocce, Italian bowling game, similar to bowls and boules. Bocce is especially popular in Piedmont and Liguria and is also played in Italian communities in the United States, Australia, and South America. The governing organization is the Federazione Italiana Bocce. The first world championships were held at Genoa, Italy, in 1951.
Many sports at the Paralympics have an Olympic cousin. There are only two without counterparts, one of which is bocce. Bocce has been in the Paralympics since 1984 and has grown in popularity rapidly since then.
The technical support for the event will be provide by Sri Lanka Academy for Special needs headed by Nilupa Ediriweera and Dharshana Aththanayake. The Child Fund-Sri Lanka has joined as the financial partner for this inaugural event.
Approximately 50 athletes will be taking part in the Sri Bocce Championship.
They will be competing in under 20 boys and girls, Under 18 boys and girls and under 16 boys and girls categories with individual, double, mixed doubles.
This event will create an opportunity for the Children with disabilities to showcase their talents in sports and as well as to change the attitudes of social stigma. The event will also aspire to cultivate and care for the special needs of those children who are underprivileged with their physical movements by organising recreational and community development activities among them. was inaugurated in the year 2000 pioneering a dynamic approach to sports reporting by exploring the avenues in cyber space to create a digital presence to Sri Lanka sports associations and athletes for a global following.
Eventually, the team in their endeavours to promote and develop sports in Sri Lanka diversified their activities into organising various sports events of which some became annual fixtures in the pre-Covid era. Inter-company Netball Championship introduced a seven-a-side format playing for Cup, Plate,Bowl and Shield in a 7-1-7 minute match duration since it’s inaugural championship in 2006. Sri Lanka’s first Under-19 school Futsal event, the Sri Futsal Challenge, Sri Lanka’s first day-night inter-club beach football tournament, first-ever Under-15 Inter-School Handball Championship are some under their belt.